My name is Reyn. What follows is some of what I’ve done for employers and myself since I’ve started keeping record. (+- 2015)

SCM is an engineering firm specializing in non destructive testing (NDT). We are 3 people, one electronic engineer, me the software developer and a specialist technicians.

Here are some of the projects I’ve been involved in at SCM.

Psi – Ultrasound Scanner

This is an ultrasound scanner for industrial purposes.

My employer came up with a novel algorithm to process ultrasound data. I helped him implement it and later improved the processing speed by using OpenGL and OpenCL.

I then proposed and built an android version

Android, Xamarin, C#, C++, OpenGL, OpenCL

Tank Scanner

This was an attempt to build an autonomous scanner for petrochemical tanks.
C# / WPF / ROS / C++ / Linux / Python

Scan Bed

We built a scan bed that is placed in a water bath.

The scan head is an ultrasound device.

Cameras allow the user to select parts on the bed, a scan path is then calculated and converted to gcode which is sent to a device that runs grbl which then controls stepper motors.

WPF / C# / Grbl / OpenCV

Shell Scanner

This is a machine that scans projectile shells. The operator loads shells on the one side and removes them on the other. Each shell is scanned by an ultrasound device that is moved by an ABB robot arm.

My involvement was some basic setup on the robot arm and reverse engineering a usb protocol between an ultrasound device and the manufacturer’s software, after which I built an API for our own use.

Some other projects at SCM

Intertoll was a subsidiary of Group 5, they are now called Instatoll. People who were involved in the project include a project manager, a documenter, a tester and 3 software developers. I was responsible for the following.

Toll Lane Computer

Some bad footage of a toll plaza opening with our system.

There are between 2 and 6 toll lane computers (TLCs) per toll plaza. They are touch screen computers running windows. The application is written in WPF, C# and has a local Microsoft SQL database.

The TLC controls a boom, traffic light and overhead lane sign via a RS485 interface. It also has a printer, user fare display and swipe card reader.

The TLC gets inputs from an automatic vehicle classification system (discussed later) and an electronic tag reader.

The TLC sends MSMQ messages to the plaza computer (discussed later).

I was the sole developer on the TLC.

Automatic Vehicle Classification

Prototype wheel counter using the Microsoft Kinect I built in my own time

The automatic vehicle classifier (AVC) uses a profile scanner, magnetometers and treadles in the road to collect data.

Vehicles are classified in 4 different classes based on the height above first axle and number of wide and normal wheels counted.

I had the opportunity to implement the second version of the AVC.

Later the data collected and verified by people was used to train a model to improve the classification.

C# / WPF / WCF

I proposed, designed and implemented a camera based wheel counter using C++, which made use of the Microsoft Kinect.

Toll Plaza Computer

I designed and implemented the plaza management system. The PCS is used to verify and correct AVC classifications, cash declarations, accounting and reporting.

C# / ASP.NET MVC / SQL Server Reporting Services / KnockoutJS

Fluent Dialogue

Fluent Dialogue is a dialogue conversation framework for unity. Conversations are defined using a fluent api in code.

The asset is available for free on the unity asset store: Fluent Dialogue | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store

You can have a look at the WebGL tutorial: Fluent Dialogue – Reyn (vlietstra.co.za)

Toddler Trainer

This was a prototype game I built. You can play a WebGL based version here: https://reyn.vlietstra.co.za/uploads/ttt/single

w/a/s/d + e


iLLu was an attempt to build an animated coloring app. Unfortunately I have since removed the app from the store.

Unity, C#, OpenGL, ASP.net, MSSQL, Android, iOS, Azure.

Toastmasters Timing Light

This is a timing light I built for my toastmasters club.
Parts were modeled in Rhino3D and 3D Printed

Esp32ArduinoBluetooth, and the app was built with Flutter.

Automated Blind

This is an automated blind I built for some of my smaller windows. Parts were modeled in Rhino3D. The Esp32 wakes up every couple of hours, connects to the wifi, checks an NTP server for the exact time and opens or closes the blind. The 2x 18650 last 6 months.

Esp32ArduinoStepper motor

Collage Maker

This was a small prototype for building characters from reusable parts for an illustrator. Made with Flutter.

Have a look at it here: https://reyn.vlietstra.co.za/uploads/webgl/collage

3D Design and Printing

Here are some 3D chairs I have designed with Rhino 3D (They are classics) and 3D printed.